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Synopsis Duration: 1 x 52′

Raul Castells was born in the city of Che Guevara. He is a walking, talking, pushing, barging force of nature. He fights the Government. He fights big business. He invades buildings and occupies casinos. And he has good reason.
In December 2001, there was a seismic shift in Argentina’s economic and political landscape. The Government devalued the currency and froze people’s savings – effectively pushing the middle class into the even larger pool of unemployed working poor.

Currently, there are 20 million people below the poverty line. 25% of children suffer malnutrition and up to 17,000 a year die from it. The average Argentinian does not have a job, a roof over their head or any means to provide for their family.

With intimate and often dangerously close access, Raul, the Terrible is a warts-and-all portrait of a man driven to change the world and a frightening insight into the politics of poverty.

– Writer/s: Carlos Alperin
– Director/s: David Bradbury
– Producer/s: Editor Stewart Young
– Production Company: Lilita Productions
– Editor: Stewart Young


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